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Is that Vibroacoustic Therapy BUZZING at Beyond Blessed Therapies?


Updated: Sep 16, 2024

InHarmony Sound Lounge being used by a model

Have you ever heard of Vibroacoustic Therapy?

Vibroacoustic Therapy is a modern approach to relaxation and meditation with many other benefits that improve your mental and emotional well-being. Do you find yourself worrying more than usual or are you holding on to pain from the past? Vibroacoustic Therapy is designed to aid your Living Journey and help you release all that is no longer serving you anymore. Below you will learn how Vibroacoustic Therapy works and the benefits behind this technology to aid you on your healing journey.

Vibroacoustic therapy uses sound to produce vibrations that are applied directly to the body. During our vibroacoustic therapy process, a client lies on a bed called the InHarmony Sound Lounge that is embedded with speakers or transducers which transmit sound into vibrations that travel through the body in a soothing, healing motion that is unlike anything you have ever experienced! You are given headphones to listen to the programs that take you on a magical journey to healing and relaxation. Sessions last about 20-30 minutes and you may notice an energizing, BUZZING sensation after your session...our favorite part!

The Sound Lounge is designed for adults and children who need help regulating their nervous system. "In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. The constant pressure and demands of daily life can take a toll on our well-being, affecting both our physical and mental health. By understanding the effects of stress on our nervous system and learning how to regulate it, we can find a path to a calmer and more relaxed state.

When faced with a stressful situation, our body's sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear, initiating the well-known "fight or flight" response. This response evolved as a survival mechanism, preparing our bodies to either confront a threat or escape from it. However, experiencing this response frequently can have adverse effects on our health. Cortisol and adrenaline surge through our bodies, leading to irrational thinking and impairing various bodily systems. It's crucial to find ways to counterbalance this stress response to maintain optimal well-being.

In contrast to the fight or flight response, the parasympathetic nervous system promotes relaxation and a sense of calm. It is activated when we feel safe and secure, allowing our body to restore balance and heal. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system is essential for our overall physical and mental health.

Regulating the nervous system through inHarmony technology offers a multitude of benefits for both your physical and mental health. By training your nervous system to respond appropriately to stress, you will experience improved emotional stability, enhanced cognitive function, and better sleep quality." (2024, Goldberg, Balancing Your Nervous System with inHarmony)

Vibroacoustic therapy is based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the various frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.


Because our bodies are composed mainly of water – approximately 70% for an older person and about 90% for a newborn baby, all of this water is set into motion when the body is exposed to these sound vibrations. As this water is moved by the vibration, its molecules are reacting and communicating with each other. As this communication occurs, harmony and a healthy resonance are restored in the body!

Vibroacoustic Therapy is for adults or children who need to release trauma, reduce anxiety, relax, reduce stress, improve mood, better quality sleep, and get back to LIVING your Living Journey!

Call Beyond Blessed Therapies or book online now to see for yourself the benefits of your Vibroacoustic Therapy session!

InHarmony Sound Lounge being used by a model

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