320 Ross Ave, Suite 1, Schofield
Trifecta Red Light Therapy
Rejuvenation That You Can Feel!
Red Light Therapy uses red and near-infrared light to reduce fat, reduce wrinkles, treat injuries, reduce pain, relax muscles & joints, decrease inflammation and increase blood circulation

Healing Benefits
When it comes to pain management and whole-body healing, red light therapy is the answer. This natural therapy has had extraordinary results on the painful and challenging health conditions people deal with on a daily basis, Here are just a few conditions
Red Light Therapy can help heal.
*Anti-aging *Arthritis *Autoimmune Disorders *Bruises
*Burns *Dental issues *Dementia *Eye Disorders *Fibromyalgia
*Hair Loss *Inflammation *Joint Pain *Lyme's Disease
*Migraines *Mental Clarity *Muscle Stiffness *Neuropathy
*Sciatica *Stretch Marks *Skin Conditions *Sleeping Disorders *Sports Injuries
*Stomach Conditions *Surgery Healing *Weight Loss
*Plus, Many more...........
Weight Loss
Clinic research indicates Red Light Therapy helps with weight management including cellulite
reduction by reducing and shrinking fat cells easily and naturally. No cells or tissues are damaged or destroyed during a treatment. The red light penetrates into the fat cells and emulsifies the fat cell which than empties and collapses the cell. You get immediate inch loss. You also get a kick start to your metabolism and reduces inflammation.
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Red Light Therapy is on-line booking
Click this link to schedule your Trifecta Red Light Therapy Session
(This link is for booking only. Payment expected at check in)